Some things I’ll miss most about South Africa (in no particular order):
- Ma Dolly’s laugh
- Kgosi’s wisdom
- Mr. Mphumela’s positivity
- Megan’s absurdity
- Ma T giggling and saying “whoooo, Refilwe!”
- Ma Sebolao calling me “Erin” at unexpected times (she’s the only one in the village who calls me by my real name)
- The sunrises and sunsets
- “hellohowareyouIamfineandthankyou!”
- jika ma jika
- pee buckets being a part of slumber parties (ok, really just pee buckets in general)
- the wide open spaces
- Ruthie (my cat)
- My Peace Corps people
- old women cheering me on as I run past “O a go TRAINING! Nice nice!”
- all the beautiful singing
- Mamun our shop keeper giving me free fruit and saying “you are my sister in South Africa”
- The looks white people give me when they speed past the village
- Dookie (the dog) sneaking into my house every day
- pension day (when all the old people come to get their pension and hawkers come to sell pretty much anything you could ever need for village life)
- The Daily Sun (it's a cross between the Weekly World News and a regular paper but it's taken as an appropriate source of information on what's happening in South Africa)
- Omphemetse, this darling little girl, practicing her English on all of my visitors: “What is your surname?” “My surname is Letube”.
- Kids who play homemade games like “tins” and soccer with sticks for goals and bag balls
- Thato and Tshepie’s constant company, kisses, hugs, dancing, playing, and sassing me in SeTswana.
- Hanging out with the World Map Project students
- Maynard’s Wine Gums
- Mr. Mohulatsi calling me “fi-zo!” (“fi” is from Refilwe… and that has turned into “fi-zo”)
- Long walks
- Running with a huge group of barefoot kids
- taxi adventures
- turkeys on my doorstep
- watching donkeys
- Bunnychow (take away curry in a hollowed out half loaf of bread… sooo good)
- “Ko ko” (What you say instead of knocking when you enter someone's yard or house)
- Old men in tiger striped cowboy hats and other dapper apparel
- Chakalaka
- Culture Spears (yup, I’m serious. I’ll miss Culture Spears)
- Wire cars (but I bought a really, really cool one this week that I'm shipping home! Woohoo!)
- morogo and bagobe (my favorite traditional Batswana food)
- Donkey carts driven by little kids or drunk old women
- Babies on backs
- The stars at night (they’re big and bright)
- the smell in the air during fire season
- rain on the metal roof
- Hansa, Castle and Black Label... They're all beers that are so bad they're good.
- tea and biscuits as a cure for most ills
- Sweet Chili flavored chips
- Seeing educators try new things in their classrooms
Now that I only have a week left in my village it's really starting to hit me how much I'm going to miss this place...
A License to Teach
6 years ago
Hi there!
I'm Barbara Jo White and I created the World Map Project just over 20 years ago while serving as a PCV in the Dominican Republic ('87-'89).
Glad to hear you were hanging out with world map project students
I've put materials and pics on my new website
and hoping you could spread the word
I'm also on twitter
if you could post the email for pc south africa on the map project website, i would appreciate it...then i could send this into to them too!
take care
i think it's time for an update.
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