

I love Halloween. I've tried to explain it to people here and they are willing to try to understand but it's pretty hard to express exactly why it is so fun to dress up and eat candy. So, alas, here I am on Halloween without anyone to make cool costumes with or get a candy belly ache with. I hope all of you in the US eat an extra Snickers in my honor.
I have so many good memories of Halloween. Digging in the leaves on the front porch in Blue Ash, looking for candy not found by the trick-or-treaters. FILLING pillowcases with candy (including the big candy bars from the Blue Ash cops). Mom hiding our candy in the dog food so we wouldn't all simultaneously develop diabetes. Crazy Halloweens in Kent (Abe Lincoln, Y2K girl, "No, You're Stupid", Mario and Luigi, the bloody wig, Tom crawling down the hall in Terrace, Denine dressed as Danny DiVito). Waiting for trick-or-treaters at Everett and no one ever coming. Athens. I suppose I can take two years off from the mania without losing my ability to create an absurd costume and eat sweets all night.
I've finally started to get mail here but I know there is a stash of mail that was sent to Pretoria that I have yet to see... it gives me something to look forward to! Thanks for writing to me. Thanks for sending me emails. It makes Halloween alone on the other side of the world seem not so bad.
Maybe I'll go to town and get some candy so I can at least have the belly ache...


Anonymous said...

I have an inappropriately long letter started for you. Today for Halloween I was Frida Kahlo. My students knew her but NONE of the adults. I walked in my backdoor wondering, Do I want to work with people who don't know who Frida Kahlo is? Because that kind of sucks. Then I thought about you and what you're doing and thought I was a complete snob and laughed at myself.

I saw some great kids costumes today. One of our really creative students was a sandwich. One had smartys glued to her jeans...Smarty pants. Of course we had scary skeletons and ninjas. Some pirates and witches. Kids are great. We also had a pumpkin contest. There was a great Yoda one. The ears were cut out of the face and stuck on. The whole pumpkin was tinted green. It was the coolest thing ever.

Happy Halloween Erin!

erin said...


this made me cry. i'm not sure exactly why... i think it's a mix of homesickness, happiness that your kids know who Frida is, joy that you're so cool you dressed up as Frida, and costume envy.

you're amazing.

Heather said...

Okay, so you made me look up who the hell Frida is... I feel cultured! Erin, you continue to be an inspiration. It is funny to think back to Vienna over a year ago and now look at you! Please know how much I care and think about you over there. Also, I really, really, really want to send you a package; sometimes it takes longer than desired to do things I want, but know that I really want to ;) Oh, I was a Geisha for Halloween. Hugs!