
2007 minutes in heaven.

Last year for New Year's I spent a surreal period of time with Matt, Matto, and Stewie reaffirming that I wanted to live fully and wildly. It was wonderful. We decided that along with the ever-appropriate "on to glory" "2007 Minutes in Heaven" should be the slogan for this year.
I lost track of my time counting and I've had some decidedly un-heavenly experiences in 2007 but overall I think I've at least approached the goal. It's weird to think how different my life is today than it was a year ago.
I'm on vacation in Durban with a group of Peace Corps friends. We're eating way to much, sitting on the beach for innumerable hours (it's a last minute cram to reach 2007 minutes), wowing Afrikaners with our karaoke skills, and having smart conversations. It's a good vacation but I'm also excited to get back to my village and get working again.
I know this is short but internet time is expensive here.
happy new year's. 2008 will be the only year I spend completely in South Africa which means I need to make the most of it!
someone please ride the monorail for me tonight. it's the best way to honor me.


World AIDS Day

Hello friends. I only have a minute and I realize I'm a few days late on my World AIDS Day message but I'm oporating on the better late than never assumption.

Before I came here I never knew someone with HIV or AIDS. People in the US seem to have stopped talking about HIV and in some ways this has led to it disappearing from our consciousness. HIV is a serious problem in South Africa, it has lowered the life expectancy by almost twenty years, it has left hundreds of thousands of children orphaned, and it contributes to the economic problems this country faces. HIV is not just an African problem. It is a worldwide problem and the privlages we have in the US do not protect us from HIV.

Living in South Africa I'm seeing first hand how horrible HIV and AIDS can be. I'm also meeting people living healthy and productive HIV+ lives. Above all, I'm beginning to realize how essential it is for people to be tested and to know their status.

PLEASE. Please, go and get tested. It is simple, it is confidential, and it's essential to your health and to stopping this disease. If for no other reason please go in honor of me and the work I am doing here. But really, you should go to honor yourself and any partner you have now or you may have in the future.